Thursday, June 21, 2012


Well, my dad is pretty fabulous. I love so many things about him. I love that I always knew (and appreciate more and more) that his family came first. I remember him saying once that all he ever wanted was a house big enough to fill with lots of kids. I love that he respects and adores my mom, which helped me understand what a loving relationship can and should be like. I love that he has taught me integrity, and to do what is right, despite what is currently "cool." I love that he is intelligent and loves to learn, which has given me a desire to continue to learn and grow my whole life. I love that he has taught me to have faith in a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior, and the restored gospel.
 The importance of Fathers and Fatherhood seems to be unappreciated, and laughed at. The idea that fathers are unnecessary or the attitude of a dad just being another child that the mom has to take care of seems a popular one. Those attitudes sadden me, and I feel like they are detrimental to our society. I appreciate the strength that my dad has to not only have fathered children, but to be a father figure. I'm glad he takes his responsibility to be a father seriously, and I'm grateful I can tell he enjoys his family. He has worked hard to provide for us, while at the same time not neglecting to spend time with us. I'm grateful for my dad and all of those dads out there who have showed me what it is to be a father. They have been vital in helping me become who I am today.

Happy Father's Day.


  1. Love this post, Jen. Well said. And I agree that your Dad is awesome. :)

  2. You are very lucky to have him as your dad and he is very lucky to be your dad..
    So Sweet!
