Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The progression

Brad insists on taking a belly picture every week. You know, cuz my belly is supposed to get bigger. There is a baby the size of a PLUM in there, after all. (Go, ME! Made it to 12 weeks!)
Anyway, I thought that my body hadn't really changed a whole lot, but looking back on week 4?? I looked good! And happy! And not like I want to die!!
I'll let you take a look see. :)

See? The above pictures I have no idea what I'm getting into. Week 6 and 7? Fake smiles.

Week 8 I wanted to punch Brad for making me get up and pose for the dang picture. Week 9 and 10, you can totally see a little pooch!

First trimester is pretty lame. It had better be worth it. I hear it is.


  1. You look so cute in all these, Jenn! I can't wait to see your belly grow. That sounds weird. :) It's cute that Brad wants to take pics each week.

  2. I know he's annoying but I have to make Dan take pics of me, you'll be glad later. And you're looking great, and its totally worth it!

  3. Yeah, Nate wasn't super interested in taking pics of me either. I usually just took pictures of myself in the mirror (*wiping away tears). Consider yourself lucky. It's so fun to see the progression.

  4. I think the biggest change has been in my boobs! Haha. TMI? Don't go look now...

  5. You look GREAT! Totally worth it. :)
