Monday, May 14, 2012

Maybe I'm weird...

In fact, I know I am. But I had this thought today about how I don't like the idea of sleeping on Mattresses of Unknown Descent. This thought occurred to me today when Brad offered up the idea of buying a new mattress to solve the problem I have sleeping at night.

My immediate reaction was, "Psh. Yeah, right. We're not going to buy a new mattress." I didn't think that because I didn't believe that Brad wasn't serious. I just know that I'm weirdly frugal. For example, every time I think about ways we can cut back on our spending habits, my thoughts immediately turn to my smart phone, and I think, "Man, we could save so much money if I could just bring myself to go back to a regular phone without a data plan." By doing that, I am able to ignore the fact that we just booked a vacation to Cancun (yay!).

Anyway, back to the mattress. The reason I am weirdly frugal about the whole mattress thing, is because we don't really need it (unlike Cancun. We need Cancun). We have a mattress already, topped with 6 inches of memory foam that makes it irresistibly comfortable, initially. The problems begin when I lay in bed for, mmm, maybe and hour or so. You see, the mattress topper is magical, and able to trap every ounce of body heat emanating from my sleepy self, and then magnify it by 100, so that I am essentially being cooked alive every night. This causes me to wake up and throw off all of the covers. Then, within 10 seconds, I'm freezing. It's like our mattress topper is going through menopause or something. This leads to problems sleeping at night. We can't take the topper off, because our mattress is too hard for Brad to sleep comfortably, and giving the mattress hormones won't help either. Hence, the idea for a new mattress.

I thought about ways to get a different mattress, and it boils down to either getting one new from the store, completely unused, excepting the occasional empoyee, or getting one used. I sort of cringed at the thought of getting a used mattress, which is unusual because we are already sleeping on a "used" mattress. In fact, I would say probably 85% of my nights have been spent on "used" mattresses. So why this gut reaction? Part of it, I believe, was when I thought "used mattress" I thought: Craigslist. Where had the mattress been? Who had slept on the mattress? How many animals or children have urinated or slobbered on the mattress? Is there really anyway to get it clean? And I realized I don't like sleeping at hotels either.

Then it dawned on me that I have no problem sleeping at a friend or relative's house on their mattresses. And I'm currently not grossed out that we have a used mattress, because it came from Brad's family. So, the problem is if I don't know where or with whom the mattress has been, I want no part of it. I'd rather deal with mattress topper hot flashes. Or suck it up and buy a new one.

Is that weird?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


 Me, my mom, and my sister Robin. All in clothes made by her!

I have been spoiled my whole life because from the second I physically existed, I have been loved by my mother. I didn't do anything to warrant this love, and I certainly didn't deserve it because of anything I did. My mom loved me by giving her body to create me. My mom loved my by dressing me, feeding me, teaching me how to walk, talk, read, write, learn, create, work, and grow. She gave of her time, her energy, her resources. My mother sacrificed everything for her children, for me. I remember growing up that she would rarely every buy things for herself, but she would always make sure we were taken care of and had the things we needed. My mother supported me, and still does, in my goals, and was always interested in hearing about my life. I remember walking with her every morning at 6 am while the big kids went to seminary, and we talked the whole 4 miles, rain or shine. I remember coming home after school, and laying down on the floor of the sewing room, and telling mom about my day until I would fall asleep, and she would quietly sneak out to make dinner for us. We always had meals, clean laundry, and a clean home.
I love my mother. I hope I can be like her one day.
And I love all the mothers in my life who have sacrificed themselves for others. Thank you.

You should come visit. Just saying.

We will help you have the absolute BEST time of your life if you do. I mean, we will spend all the time we are not at work or school we can with you, you will get your own room, complete with air mattress. Never mind there isn't very much room for your luggage... And, we will take you on adventures!
My sister Lisa and her husband Evan came and visited in April, right after their finals were over. They drove up on Thursday, and stayed until Monday morning. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, the best we had all year, and we decided to take advantage of the sun. We went running, went to the beach, and Tillamook Cheese Factory, and then went to Silver Falls Park for a pickanick and a walk over, around, and behind some beautiful waterfalls. Here are some pictures of the weekend:

I belief Evan is trying to look like a mouse sampling some cheese or something. But this is Lisa and Evan in the cheese sampling line at Tillamook Cheese factory.

 Brad and I eating our ice cream cones. Seriously, you will not find better ice cream or waffle cones! So DELICIOUS.

I was just trying to do something fun with the picture to make it look kinda like it was from the fifties. But, anyway, Evan got bubblegum ice cream, which is why his face looks like that... 

 At Rockaway Beach. 

 Don't be scared! It's just Brad under that towel, doing his best to look creepy. He's pretty good, eh?

 Well, this should be obvious to everyone...
(It says Brad + Jenn = Awesome. None of that lovey-dovey stuff)

This is Even and Lisa. 

  Us looking fabulous. Isn't it pretty there???

 Brad showing off his... hamstrings? This is at our picnic at Silver Falls Park! It was pretty fun. We had pulled pork sammiches, pringles, and coleslaw, and pineapple, and gatorade/water. So yum. Then we went for a walk and saw these (look below).

 This is behind one of the waterfalls. How cool is that?

Another one. There are 10 total you can see, but we only got to see 3 or 4. You could literally spend all day out there.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Easter pictures

 Easter was fun this year. I got to help out the Easter bunny by getting up early to hide eggs around the house for Brad. I filled about a dozen plastic eggs with Sour Patch Kids jelly beans and a Dove milk chocolate egg. Oh, and the best part of the little egg treasure included a little note with either a something I love about Brad, or something we got to tell each other, or a favor of some kind. Like, one of the notes said I would make Brad lunch for a whole week. Lucky for me, he only needs a packed lunch once or twice a week. So, while it sounds like I'm nice, I'm really lazy. If I really loved him I would have promised dinner for a whole week. Poor Brad.
Brad's Easter basket. Yet another reason I am glad I don't have a Pinterest account. I'm sure I would feel so ashamed after seeing what other people did for their Easter baskets...

Tulips for the March of Dimes decorated our table through Easter. You pay $5 for a bouquet, and they give $2.50 to babies. I honestly wonder if that helped much more than buying postage for something, but, the flowers are pretty...

 Kimmy hiding behind a big bouquet of Spring flowers at Nedra's house for Easter dinner. 

 Here we are, holding our treats from Brad's mommy. Cookies, M&M's, Easter hot pad and towel set. So sweet!

Hoppy Easter.