Sunday, February 10, 2013


This last Christmas was spent with my mom, dad, sister and family. But! Because Brad left in the beginning of December, we had to decorated the Saturday after Thanksgiving so he could have some semblance of a Christmas. 

We got our first real Christmas tree this year! Brad's family traditionally goes to a tree farm all together the day after Thanksgiving to pick out the perfect 14 foot tree. We, of course, do not have vaulted ceilings in our cute apartment, so we settled for a 6 footer instead. I actually have to say... the small trees are much easier to handle. 

So, guess what? My mom made me a beautiful Christmas tree skirt. It made me so happy inside. 

Here she is! Isn't she a beauty? The picture doesn't do it justice. It's ivory, gold, red and glorious.

And here it is all put together! Gold and red and green.  I am so proud of our work of art. Fully decorated for less than $40. Other than the tree skirt, of course. I mean, it was free for me, but not for my mom...

Here are our stockings, with the countdown in between. 

I sort of love these reindeer stocking holders!

Nativity set. 

This is our first Christmas tree! We keep it for sentimental reasons. Well, that's why I keep it.  Brad keeps it, cuz I keep it, and we live together and everything, so we BOTH keep it. 

And this is me after I got home, with all my Christmas booty.  New boots, a diaper bag, nursery set, and a Groupon for a  massage and a mani/pedi (thanks Bradley and Mom and Dad!).
Anyway, Christmas with my parents and sister/her family was really enjoyable. I did, of course miss Brad, but it was so nice to be able to spend time with my fam. We had great food, played fun games, and were able to reflect on the gift of our Savior. And, we of course read once again Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. 

Thanks Brad, for sending me home for Christmas, and thanks Mom and Dad for spoiling me, and thanks Robin, Nels, Calvin and Oliver for being there too! Love you guys!


  1. You got some super cute stuff for Christmas. I love that diaper bag!

  2. I am so dang excited for you to have your baby. Just seeing pics of the diaper bag, nursery bedding, diapers, and all that makes me so excited. And it's not even my baby. :)

    1. Thank you! I'm super excited too. Thanks so much for all the cute clothes!!

  3. Well look who got a Petunia Pickle Bottom :) Fun posts, thanks for the updates!
