Sunday, October 16, 2011


Ok, so I'm already almost two months behind. I'm going to post some wedding pictures (only a few), then the honeymoon pics, and I'll give a brief description of each. However, this may turn into a very long post. I know everyone always "apologizes" for long posts in their blogs, but I will not! And I WILL be offended if you stop halfway through. I'm needy that way.
Wedding pictures FURST.

Here is the beautiful temple we got married in, Timpanogos. One thing I am so grateful for, is that we have temples where we can be married and bind families for eternity. It's exciting (so far) that Brad and I get to be best friends even in the next life. Brad's excited, too.


RoseMary, Brad, Me, Don (Brad's dad and stepmom)

The Brobergs, the News, the Johnsons, and the Jacksons (My side)

The Johnsons, Asays, and Behunins (Brad's side)

Brad and Kaylie

These people (my siblings) are dangerous to invite to weddings. They will make you cry.

Mommy and Daddy

Love these peeps.

Brad's mommy

Brad had a hard time saying goodbye to his little Janie...

So, in case any of you were worried about us not producing cute kids, just look at these little rascals!
Each one of these is half Johnson, so our odds are good, I'd say.

It was the end of August in Utah, so this day, while it looks lovely, was in actuality unbearably hot. Well, unbearable for me. This is why I am SUPER glad I had a light/short dress for my wedding gown. However, this foresight did not make for my lack of foresight regarding the shoes. Seriously, in all of these pictures I look like I'm smiling, but really I'm wincing.

All joking aside (I wasn't joking), I really am so grateful for our families. I am so lucky to have such an incredible, supportive, loving, and funny family. It almost isn't fair that I got another one when I married Brad. But I'll take it!


  1. Welcome to blogland! Thanks for all the wedding and honeymoon pics! It's great to be able to keep up. :) Also, you're going to love dancing in the rain. It grows on you.

  2. you look gorgeous! and isn't san diego the perfect honeymoon destination?!?!? loved it when cary and i went...

  3. Ha ha Ash, it hasn't even been too bad, weather wise! Seriously, It hasn't hit me yet. Maybe cuz I'm inside 23 of the 24 hours a day...
    And thanks Carla, you are too nice. And YES, it seriously was perfect. I didn't know you guys went there!! PS, are you a mommy yet?
