Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ketchup (October 23rd-31st)

I've been a slacker when it comes to blogging. I think everyone goes through it, so I feel no shame. Only a little regret. Let's get crackin'.

Kruger's pumpkin patch update:
This apple was from the farm we went to. It was enormous. Maybe there is something to buying organic? What do you think, Dad? Anyway, mostly just fun pics that I wanted to add in.
Here, Brad looks like he's going to have a heart attack or something.
It's actually kinda hard to tell how big that sucker was from these pictures, but seriously. Be impressed. I was.


I've never really been into Halloween, to be perfectly honest. Most often my halloween costumes (at least, since my mom stopped making them), have been last second, throw-something-together-quick-before-I'm-late-for-that-party type costumes. Example: in high school my friends and I threw trash bags over our clothes, and we were "white trash."
This Halloween was no different, despite high hopes of it being otherwise. I don't even KNOW what I was (sorcerer/witch?), I just really wanted to wear some orange and black striped tights.
Brad was LITERALLY a last second costume, as in, we were already late when we were throwing his together. Can you guess what he was? Yup. The Iron Chef. Clever, eh?
But we had fun. We went to the ward Trunk-or-Treat and potluck where we got that professional pic (our first!), but ended up ditching out before all the handing out of candy because our nieces and nephew invited us to a Halloween party at their house. They had food, and treats, and games, and lots of fun.
Then, on Monday, we got to carve pumpkins. I love carving pumpkins, but I never knew how necessary those little $5 kits with all the different tools are for making a splendid jack-o-lantern. We made do with what we had, as it was already Halloween when we began the artistic process of carving squash.
This is how it all began. Here are our beautiful, locally grown, and carefully picked by us, pumpkins. Newspapers from coupon Wednesday cover the table. There are some old decorative candles we used instead of tea lights. And I have a knife and spoon.
The proper angle is absolutely necessary in carving the lid.
Brad scooping out the gizzards of the punkin.
I did a self-portrait.
So did Brad...
We're so cute.
We gave out ONE treat. All night long. One. Brad gave the rest to the undergraduate nursing students, who promptly gobbled them up. :)
It was a fun little holiday, and the perfect first Halloween as a married couple.


  1. I love seeing what you guys are up to. Thanks for updating! I need to do better. I've gotten so lazy.

  2. Jenn - your pumpkin is so cute! Brad, you get an E for effort :)
    Love the year of firsts, it's so fun.

    1. T! I love that you read our blog. Do you have one??
